Stories - BDSM

He had her tied over a table, on her back, knees wide apart, ankles tied to the table legs, her arms above her head and pulled down towards the floor behind her. The position was very uncomfortable. The vibrator purring gently inside her made it nearly unbearable. There was nothing she could do to adjust to the insidious demands of the beast humming faintly in her cunt, or to increase its effect on her needy clit. Before he left her, he had eased her labia apart, and stroked her clit to make it stand up, and it was still there, sticking up between her fleshy lips, desperate for stimulation. It would be hard to manage an orgasm with the vibrator positioned like that, and running on slow, but equally it was impossible to ignore it. "Just don't leave me too long, darling, please", she thought. It was her birthday, and he had promised her something special, so she knew there would be more to the evening than just this, but had no idea what it might be. The suspense was terrible, wonderful. There was a sound, and a movement of air. Someone was in the room, but the blindfold prevented her seeing him. But she smelt his aftershave, knew she was safe. "Please darling, do something," she whispered after a few minutes. Nothing. Silence except for the faint discrete hum of the vibrator, and her own staccato breathing. "Oh please," she thought to herself, "don't make me beg, I hate having to beg." The smell of his aftershave was strong, he was near. Where? Something touched her nipples, making her yelp. It felt like a soft feather being drawn slowly over her breasts. Oooooooh.


Orgasm Machine
Finally the end of a very long day, much longer than normal. I stare at the phone, wanting to call you, to hear the sound of your voice, I know that there is no way that you can answer that phone call even if you wanted to. By now, my grand experiment, the afternoon of teasing and sweet torment for you and our evening of play as Master and sub, would already have begun. As I look at the clock on my desk, a grin starts to grow on my face. By now, you are probably ready and waiting for me. I remember how it began. We had just finished one of our evening sessions of bondage, teasing, torment, and, yes, satisfaction. I had fallen asleep, when I awoke, you were still snuggled in my arms. As I slowly opened my eyes and looked down, I saw you, looking back up at me. Those eyes of yours, now wide open, were speaking to me when nothing else could. Your tender lips were still wrapped around that white ballgag, the rubber ball, deep inside your mouth, held in place by the white leather strap fastened at the nape of your neck. The only sound coming from behind that ball is the soft sound of moaning. I love that sound, it says so much more than a dictionary of words could ever say. Feeling your firm breasts pressing against me, I remember, with a chuckle, that there is nothing else that you can do. Your arms are still tied tightly, your wrists bound palm to palm and your elbows tied, touching. The effect of tying your elbows, making you thrust those tender breasts forward, has always excited me. And it always will. At least I had remembered, before our playtime, to untie your ankles. I had to, the way you were tied when I came into the room, your ankles tied to your thighs in a lotus position, and your body, your head, bent forward, I had two choices. One was to rest you on your back, with your legs lifted into the air, and to take you that way. The other choice, the one I preferred and the one I picked, was to untie the rope around your ankles, slowly and gently remove that pesky little vibrator that had been doing its work between your legs, and to take your body and your mind to new heights.

Pony Girl
I love the way my man dominates me. I’m submissive by nature, he knows all the things to do to get me hot and to keep me hot. Recently, he asked me if I knew what a pony girl was. Of course I didn’t, but I’m game for anything. We started out as we often do, me kneeling before him, unzipping him pulling out his cock and sucking on it lovingly and submissively. It so gets me in the mood, and he gets so hard. Then I undressed him and he watched me undress down to my heels, stockings, and garter. He makes me keep those on and I have to admit, I look very hot that way. He told me to assume the position and I got down on all fours. He positioned himself behind me, and I felt the sting of his slaps on my unprotected ass. The heat built up with each slap, and my cunt was just gushing. He even spread my cheeks, and spanked me right on my ass hole. I thought I would faint, I loved that so much. Then he got behind me and drove his cock into my cunt, using me for his pleasure, taking me hard and deep, just how he likes, and just how I need. When he pulled out, I whimpered in complaint. But then I felt his cock at my ass and wiggled in excitement. He bent his shaft down a little until the head pressed against the entrance to my asshole. He pressed his hips forward and my ass gave way as the head of his prick pushed aside the tight, elastic muscles of my ass. After giving me a moment to relax, he pushed forward with his hips, gradually forcing more and more of his cock up my tight ass. He paused with almost half of his hard cock shoved up my ass, so I pushed back against him, and a little more of his cock slipped into me. He thrust his hips forward and pulled me back at the same time, and his thick prick slid in a little deeper in me. Bit by bit the length of his cock disappeared as it moved into the hot tightness of my behind. God, I love to be ass-fucked by my man. He worked his cock slowly and gently, deeper and deeper into my ass. He paused, and let me grow more accustomed to my ass being stretched wide.




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