Stories - Femdom

God it was hot out! Danny was sweltering as he made his final delivery for Elmo’s Finer Foods, the bags of groceries getting heavier and heavier as the day had worn on, until finally he was down to the last stop. It was a large stately home at the far end of Main St. almost out of town. The name on the bags said “Deb Ryan”. They must be new in town because Danny was at least acquainted with just about everyone who lived in Eldon. As he rang the door he again thought about how warm and thirsty he was. The door opened and a very tall dark haired lady of about 45 asked his to come in. She was a striking woman with long hair, long slim legs, and a very big chest! Danny caught himself staring at her as he moved into the living room and headed to the kitchen. “Thirsty,” she asked? “And how,” he answered!!! With that she gave him a tall glass of cold lemonade and motioned for his to follow her into the den. As he settled into the easy chair at the far end of the room, Deb Ryan sat down on the ottoman in front of him giving him a good look down the front of her cleavage! Danny felt his dick begin to harden as Mrs. Ryan rubbed his leg asking him about his work, where he lived, etc. He was almost hypnotized as she looked into his eyes and she continued rubbing his leg. His head began to ring and his words seemed to slur as they continued to talk. Danny had no clue that his drink had been spiked with a drug designed to make his totally subservient and submissive. As his head was spinning, he felt someone pulling him to his feet and leading him down the stairs to a room lighted by candles. Along the walls he could barely make out chains, stocks, and other devices used in bondage games. He stumbled and fell to the floor but couldn’t find the coordination to stand up. He heard voices in the background but couldn’t make them out. Again he felt hands pulling him to his feet and struggled in vain to keep them from removing all of his clothing. Quickly his wrists were bound and pulled over his head and attached to the ceiling, while his legs were pulled apart and shackled to the floor with ankle restraints. Now completely immobilized, he was powerless to prevent his captors from doing anything they wanted with him.


The Submissive
The understanding came, like a black dove over smoky waters. I'd known I was a submissive and that to pursue that would doubtless entail enduring some pain; but I had never dreamed I could enjoy it. To relish and desire it. Not until that day. Not until She had finished. I could do little more than hang by my fetters, savoring the strong, pulsing burn deep inside my violated body. I knew it was pain; that it should FEEL like pain, but it didn't. It felt good. Pain was what was happening to my cock and balls. Pain was the feeling that they would turn black and drop off. Pain was the feeling that it would be a relief if they did. The torment there in some way helped throw the voluptuous glee I now took from my stretched and battered rectum into sharp relief. They defined one another; almost needed each other to exist. Mistress Kathleen must have noticed the drugged-out look of rapture in my eyes, for She became extremely concerned and quickly tore the penis gag away. "kevin? Are you all right?" "Yes Mistress," I replied, my voice soft and dreamy. I don't think She was convinced, for She began to hastily extract me from my various bondage devices, but when She got to the "jockstrap" I cried out in protest. "Please Mistress, no!" She pulled away, astonished. So, I explained the way my body felt at that moment, and how I desperately wanted it to linger as long as possible. my words then weren't nearly as polished as they are now, but She eventually understood. And She was very pleased at this, too. Much to my great disappointment, however, She still refused to remove the shoes. As She led me across the room, She commented on my tottering gait. "We simply must teach you how to walk in those one of these days." She sighed. "But you're just so cute like this. Like a little newborn foal trying to stand for the first time." She smiled at me wickedly. "And maybe someday my sweet little foal will grow up and become a nice, strong pony for his Mistress. Wouldn't that be nice, foalboy? "Yes Mistress."

Breaking Him In
Sigi's final attempt to salvage dignity and control fled when his new Mistress forced the intruder home, penetrating him as none ever before, and his thoughts fled far from the room in which she'd imprisoned him. He knew he could take no more of her torture and his howl of despair told her he was finally overcome. He did not, could not see through eyes crushed mercilessly to the carpet how frightening were her eyes as the corners of her ruby lips tilted upward in her private pleasure at her victory, excellent ending to a day which had started miserably in gray rain and discovery that her favorite had fled. This, however, was later. Rain began her day. Gray sky and a gray mist of rain pounding, pounding, pounding hour after hour on the slate roof of the old house. She had determined never be upset at the sudden departure of a slave, Jason, her favorite, and was angry with herself to discover herself wondering and worrying whether or not that magnificent bastard would be back. With a house full of perfectly trained, acquiescent, and dutiful males it was absurd to have concern at the flight of any single particular pet. She ought not've allowed him become special to her. It had happened unawares, maybe because he was more trouble, toil and discord than the others. She prided herself on remaining evenly dominant without favoritism over the stable of males collected over the past two years. Men representing the diversity life and society. Some lasted two years, one or two didn't last the week. Having been left her only uncle's fortune she'd given up her career in sales management and became a changed woman. Interior designers transformed the inherited house in sympathy with her personality change. It became a chamber of erotic delight with shades, colors, light, dark, and furniture which defied convention. A sultry abode of passion liberated, passion she'd successfully buried deep during her corporate years. With money one could do much, much. Sigi, for example, a recent applicant she decided to phone, invite to her house and break in this gray wet day to distract herself from the loss of Jason.




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