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October 28th, 2008

#20 Running

3 Responses to “#20 Running”

  1. Kyeli Says:

    OMG!!! That’s me, that’s me, that’s me on the poster!! What an incredible rendering of me!! It is so amazingly fun to see people I recognize in the strip… even if they’re zombi-fied. I love this episode and this strip - you’ve gotten me to read a comic about ZOMBIES, Marty. You rock. (;

  2. Kyeli Says:

    Also, I immediately jumped to being the hapless victim that the other two are devouring… I wonder how many others will leap there, too. (;

  3. Tasty Flesh: strippers and zombies and awesome business models | Pace and Kyeli Says:

    […] on the Usual Error book, Marty also has many other awesome projects. Today, I’m inspired by my own guest appearance in his crazy zombie vs stripper webcomic, Tasty […]

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