Excuses, Excuses…

Excuses, Excuses…

Discussion (7)¬

  1. Jonathan says:

    You’re such a nuturer, Marty!

  2. mikelinpa says:

    That’s not right…

  3. James says:

    Be careful Marty, even if she’s not dead, Megans have a tendency to feed when they are sick. Sometimes it’s on veggie dogs, and sometimes it’s on the still living flesh of their caretaker.

    • If you could see the ankle cuffs chained to the bed in this picture, you’d know that I have taken this contingency into consideration. Gotta go – she’s asking for another glass of water. I think it’s a ploy to eat my delicious brains…

  4. Cherry says:

    Oh, yes. She’s after your delicious brains.

Evil Tip?