Tasty Flesh Fan Art
I’ve created a fair amount of fan art in my time, often for webcomics that I loved and wanted to show my appreciation for. So, it’s incredibly encouraging to be getting fan art for Tasty Flesh! If you’d like to submit some fan art of your own, depicting any of Tasty Flesh’s lovely ladies (or grisly zombies – let’s not be prejudiced!), you can e-mail me a scan of your artwork, or send me a digital file (a high-resolution .jpg is great!), at [email protected]
I’d love to add to the collection here! And thanks to everyone who’s sent something in so far! If you’ve got a website, make sure you let me know what it is so I can link to it from you artwork. Without further ado, here are our submissions thus far!
Andy Perez
I met Andy at Staple!, a local independent media expo here in Austin. He’s got some great pinup work and illustration on his blog – check it out! http://artedeandyperez.blogspot.com/
Glen Novikoff
I met Glen at AnimeFest in Dallas last year, and we’ve kept in touch since then. He sent me this cool woodburn of Stacy mowing through some zombies, so I had to put it up on display somewhere other than my apartment!